What fees does IGotAnOffer take?

This information only applies to the "Flexible pricing" approach we're currently AB testing. We take a percentage fee that varies depending on whether the client is working with you for the first time or not.

1/ First session with a new client

When a client works with you for the first time, we take 50% of the price they paid for their first session with you. This covers our marketing costs to acquire new clients for you.

2/ Follow up sessions with an existing client

When a client you’ve already worked with books additional session(s) with you, we take 20% of the price they paid for their additional session(s).

3/ Example

As an example, let’s assume you set your base price at $200 per hour and offer volume discounts. And let's also assume that you enabled volume discounts in your account. Now imagine a client purchases 3 coaching sessions with you for $540. Here is the breakdown of what you'd get for each session.

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