How to update my availability

To ensure your most accurate availability is shown on the platform, we recommend updating your availability whenever there is a change in your schedule. Thankfully, it's very easy to do so.

Set your weekly hours

First, add the hours and days you will be available for each week.

  • Log into your account and go to Availability
  • Under Recurring, for each day of the week, add the hours you will be available
    • Click on the plus sign to add multiple time slots per day
  • If you want to add the same time for each day, then select copy to replicate the hours
Recurring hours each day of the week
Add or remove hours from your weekly schedule as needed.

Sync your Google Calendar

Synchronizing your calendar ensures that your availability is updated in real time and prevent bookings from clashing with your other engagements. To sync your calendar, simply click on the Connect Google Calendar button at the bottom of the page and follow each step. Be sure to enable each calendar that have potential events that may clash with your sessions.

It is also important to set your events in your calendar as 'Busy', so that they block the time from your schedule. By default, Google sets events in calendars as 'Free'.

Going on vacation

Whenever you will not be available for coaching for an extended period of time, blocking the days with a Google calendar event set as "busy" (not "free") will work.

Another way to remove your availability is to set a specific time off. Here's how to do it.

  • Click on Specific (e.g. time off) and choose Block hours
  • For vacations, check the "Unavailable for whole day" box at the bottom
  • Select the days you will be away for and then click on Confirm
block specific hours
Add or remove your availability for specific hours or days

Going on extended leave

If you will be away for more than 4 weeks, then the best option for you would be to remove your availability under Recurring. Simply delete the hours for each day and this will set your account as unavailable and hide your profile on the site.

All availability removed
Remove all availability when going on extended leave

Once you are ready to resume, then re-add your availability, and your profile will automatically be made public again.

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