Can you award me the SuperCoach status in advance?
We do not manually award SuperCoach status in advance so the process stays fair for all coaches.
Instead, every 3 months, we will check if you've met the following criteria for the past year. If you do, you'll earn or keep your SuperCoach status.
3.0% cancellation rate or less
SuperCoaches cancel less than 3.0% of bookings they receive. No-shows also count towards your cancellation rate. Low cancellations mean candidates can book with confidence.
4.80+ average rating
SuperCoaches have a 4.80 or higher average overall rating based on reviews from candidates over the past year. Candidates know they can expect an outstanding experience with these coaches.
5+ sessions done
SuperCoaches have completed at least 5 sessions over the past year. Candidates know they’ll be working with coaches who have helped people in similar situations to theirs in the past.
You can track how well they're doing against each SuperCoach criteria here.